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Chris Terwilliger

Chris Terwilliger

Inland Forest Management, Inc.
Consulting Forester


B.S. Forest Resources, University of Idaho, 1994


Chris grew up in Idaho and has always enjoyed working in the outdoors. During the summers while attending college, he worked for the USFS cruising timber and fighting fire. Following graduation, Chris started working in the Forest Consulting business cruising timber, laying out timber sales, writing management plans, working with private landowners, fighting fire and prescribed burning. As Chris progressed in his career, he gained extensive knowledge in fire. He quickly became an engine boss/crew boss for fighting fire as well as a Prescribed Burn Boss for prescribed fire. Chris joined the IFM team in 2015 and currently manages the burn program for IFM, works with many industrial clients, and assists with private timber sales. Furthermore, Chris has significant experience in training various types of personnel in the wildland firefighting organizations.

Chris Terwilliger

Continuing Education/ Professional Affiliations:- Credentials:

  • USFS approved Wildland Fire Instructor

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