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Garrett Kleiner, New IFM Manager

We are excited to announce the hiring of Garrett Kleiner as the new manager for Inland Forest Management. Garrett comes to IFM with a wealth

Other Personnel Updates

In addition to Garrett Kleiner joining IFM, another Oregon State University Forestry Graduate has been hired, Joe Koenig. Joe also holds an ecology degree from

Let’s Go Girls!

To most forestry professionals and forestland owners alike it comes as no surprise to hear that historically forestry has been a male-dominated field. But move

It’s a Small (Forestry) World After All

It was a typical North Idaho snowy morning as I drove out to check on an active logging operation in Garfield Bay near Sandpoint, Idaho.

IFM: Forty Years and Growing

Forty years ago, about this time of the year, Dick Bradetich and Mike Wolcott walked into my office at the Idaho Department of Lands in

Change in IFM Ownership

In order to ensure long-term stability of Inland Forest Management, Inc. and as a nod to the fact that I’m not immortal, I have sold

Idaho Shared Stewardship

While flipping TV channels recently, I inadvertently landed on C-SPAN2 instead of the March Madness college basketball game I intended to watch.  Instead of dunks

Western Redcedar: Facts, Bugs and Cruds

In their book Northwest Trees – Anniversary Edition, authors Stephen R. Arno and Ramona P. Hammerly begin their description of this native species, “Western redcedar

Hot Topic – Carbon Credits and Forestland

As energy costs soar and corporate America seeks ways to minimize their carbon footprint, added attention is being paid to the value of forestland as

A Wildfire Summer

Smokey skies, wildfire-driven evacuations, desert-like hot and dry weather – all characteristics of an Inland Northwest summer the last few years. What an unpleasant shift

Western White Pine

Our series of native tree species continues with western white pine (Pinus monticola).  Perhaps, because of its ecological and economic importance, we should have featured

Family Forestry In These Uncertain Times

Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19  –  Were any of these medical terms on your mind during the fall of 2019 while cutting firewood, pruning trees, or grass

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Recently we began a series of articles exploring the Inland Northwest’s common tree species. In 2018 we highlighted western redcedar and last fall we looked

Contracts for Success

A key element to ensure success regarding any forest management activity involving individuals outside your family is the use of a clear, detailed contract. Contracts

But I Had a Contract…

A number of years ago a very unhappy elderly lady approached us concerning a logging operation that had recently occurred on her property. She described

New Idaho Fire Season Requirements

The Idaho Department of Lands is implementing a new set of logging operation requirements for the upcoming (2019) fire season. They are as follows: 1.

A Long Days’ Night

A number of years ago, long before the convenience of cell phones, Dick Bradetich and I (partners in Inland Forest Management, Inc.) were under the

Mother Nature’s Towers with Solar Panels Part Two — The Solar Panels

A past issue of Tree Talk (Spring 2018) quoted an anecdote by Professor Jay O’Laughlin, retired director of the College of Natural Resource’s Policy Analysis

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