Dennis Parent, ACF, CF
Dennis Parent, ACF, CF
Inland Forest Management, Inc.
Consulting Forester
- B.S. (Forest Management), S.U.N.Y. ESF/Syracuse University, 1970
- M.S. (Watershed Science), Utah State University, 1972
- C.E.F.E.S. post-graduate study in forest silviculture, 1981-82
- M.S. (Forest Resources), University of Idaho, 1988
Dennis is an eastern boy who grew up in the woods of northern Massachusetts. He first became interested in forestry during his time in the Boy Scouts when he discovered that one could actually make a career out of the things that he loved to do. After finishing his first M.S. degree at Utah State University, he worked as a logger and forester for The Pack River Company near Bozeman, Montana. He continued with Pack River in Coeur d’Alene. For the next 37 years he helped Inland Empire Paper Company develop a forestry department, performing just about every forestry responsibility imaginable. In 2014, he started his own forestry consulting business to get a taste of the “real world”. Finally in 2022, he and Mike Wolcott got together and decided his wealth of forestry skills could be put to good use at Inland Forest Management.

Membership Affiliations – Credentials:
- Fifty-year Golden Member of the Society of American Foresters (past Selkirk Chapter Chair, Inland Empire Section Chair, Awards Chair)
- SAF Certified Forester #112
- Presidential Award, Society of American Foresters, “Field Forester of the Year,” 2001
- Member of the Association of Consulting Foresters since 2014; Inland Empire Chapter Chair since 2021; Board member, Practicing Foresters Institute since 2021
- Technical Services Provider for the Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Certified Tree Farm Inspector since 1973
- Member Idaho Forest Owners Association
- Member Washington Forest Farmers Association
- Other affiliations: Idaho Associated Logging Contractors, National Woodland Owners’ Association, American Forestry Association, Forest History Society