John Ailport
John Ailport
Inland Forest Management, Inc.
Consulting Forester
B.S. Natural Resource Management, Washington State University, 2001
John started his career in the natural resource field fighting fires for the USFS during the summers while attending college. After attaining his degree from Washington State University in 2001, he joined IFM as a field forester, setting up timber sales, marking and cruising timber, taking wildland fire suppression assignments and assisting with prescribed fire projects. Since 2008 John has focused his career on hazard management activities, and currently manages IFM’s fire and burning operations. He works with many of our Industrial clients, assists with State and Federal contracting and provides services to numerous private forest landowners in our area. Additionally, John plays a key role in IFM’s Hazardous Fuel Treatment programs, administering grant funding on private lands.

Continuing Education/ Professional Affiliations:- Credentials:
- National Wildfire Suppression Association-Member
- Associated Logging Contractors-Member
- University of Idaho Cooperative Extension- Forestry Programs
- USFS Approved Wildland Fire Instructor