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Mike Wolcott, ACF, CF

Mike Wolcott, ACF, CF

Inland Forest Management, Inc.
Consulting Forester


BS Forest Management, Washington State University


Mike grew up in the Inland Northwest. During his youth, his family divided their time between a home in Spokane and a tree farm near Worley, Idaho. Following his graduation from college, he accepted a position with Oregon Department of Forestry and worked in the Klamath Falls, Oregon, area for five years. Since 1984 Mike has been actively involved in consulting forestry, and is the owner of IFM. His primary duties include all aspects of landowner assistance and company administration. Mike also manages his family’s 400-acre tree farm.

Membership Affiliations – Credentials:

  • Member of the Committee on Forest Taxation Methodologies, representing Family Forest Owners in Idaho
  • Chair of the Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council
  • Past Chairman of Bonner County Woodland Council
  • Member of the Society of American Foresters (past Selkirk Chapter Chairman, Society Councilor)
  • Life Member of the American Forestry Association
  • Member of Idaho Forest Owners Association
  • Member of National Woodlands Owner Association
  • Western Region Director and Member of Association of Consulting Foresters (Chairman of 2001 National Convention)
  • Member Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society
  • Certified Tree Farm Inspector
  • Certified Forester #239
  • Certified Planner and Technical Service Provider for the Natural Resource Conservation Service

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